If you wish to advertise your solidarity events on our website, please complete the registration form and send it by email.
1000 cranes for Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 19 March, 2011 from 13:00 to 17:00
Venue: SieboldHuis, Rapenburg 19
2311 GE Leiden
Organiser: SieboldHuis & AlumniKai ‘Van hier tot Tokyo’
Contact: Heleen Palmen
E-mail (palmen@sieboldhuis.org)
TEL: 071-5125539, www.sieboldhuis.org
Message from organiser:
In order to show our support for Japan in these difficult times the SieboldHuis asks everyone to help us fold 1000 cranes for Japan. The crane is a symbol for a wish coming true, and our wish is to give Japan and its people strength in these difficult times. Any other tokens of support (music, art, performance) are also welcome on Saturday.
Charity Bazzar in Amstelveen : For Earthquake Victims in Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 26 March, 2011, from 10:30 to 14:30
Venue: Go Center, Schokland 14 1181 HV Amstelveen
Organiser: The Japan Women's Club
Contact: E-mail (info@jwc-hooland.org)
Message from organiser:
All profit of this bazzar will be sent to Japan Red Cross via JCC. We will sell handmade craft products as well as food products and organize free market.
Japan Disaster Relief Donation, Charity Bazzar in Rotterdam [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 26 March, 2011, from 11:00 to 14:00
Venue: The Japanese School of Rotterdam
Verhulstlaan 19, 3055 WJ Rotterdam
Organiser: Stichting the Japanese School of Rotterdam
Stichting Den Haag & Rotterdam Japanese Saturday School
Holland Hakuyo-kai
Contact: Michio Yoneda, E-mail (MYoneda@ikonet.co.jp), TEL:010-4626868
Keiichi Miyamoto, E-mail (miyamotok@nichireiholding.nl),
Message from organiser:
This is a charity bazzar event in order to relief the victims of the disaster in Japan. We welcome your visit. If you would like to donate some goods for the bazzar, please contact to the above contacts in advance. Your donation will be forwarded to Japan Red Cross.
SeL Judo Run / Snel en Lening Judo Sponsorloop [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 26 March, 2011, from 13:00 to 13:30
Venue: Fabritiuslaan 2, 2241 Wassenaar
Organiser: Sportvereniging Snel en Lenig Wassenaar
Contact: www.snelenlenig.nl, E-mail(vechtsport@snelenlenig.nl)
Message from organiser:
Run around our judo dojo. Get yourself sponsored by as many people as possible. Then make as many laps as you can in 30 minutes. One lap is 400 meter. Open to Snel en Lenig youth menbers and any other enthusiasts. Benefits go to the earthquake and tunami victims in Japan.
PLAY FOR JAPAN : Charity Concert for Earthquake victims in Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 26 March, 2011, from 20:15
Venue: Church of Our Savior The Hague, Bezuidenhoutsweg 157, The Hague
Organiser: Mikae Tatsuyama
Contact: E-mail (Playforjapan.denhaag@gmail.com)
Admission: 10€
Message from organiser:
Top Japanese and Dutch artists active throughout Europe get together in one place to raise the fund for the Earthquake victims in Japan. Spcial guest Wishful Singing. 100% of the profit will be sent to Japan Red Cross.
"Stille Tocht" [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 26 March, 2011, at 20:00
Venue: Assemble at Spui in front of the American Bookstore
Organiser: Japan Helpen Kan
Contact: www.japanhelpenkan.nl, E-mail (japanhelpenkan@gmail.nl)
Message from organiser:
The Netherlands takes a moment of silence to observe the events in Japan, by holding a silent walk and vigil in Amsterdam. (Spui →Dam)
"Benefit Concert for Japan" [completed]
Date & Time: Wednesday 30 March, 2011, at 19:00
Venue: Pulchri Studio (Lange Voorhout 15, 2514 EA Den Haag)
Organiser: Genzo Okabe、Luciano Poli、Dick Brongers
Contact: Genzo Okabe(E-mail: info@genzookabe.com, Tel: 06-46766634,
Luciano Poli(E-mail: bass.poli@gmail.com, Tel: 06-15631432)
Admission: Free donation
Message from organiser:
We sincerely hope you will be able to attend this important event. All received funds will be sent directly to the Japanese Red Cross. Performing will be Ellister van den Molen trio, Walter Wolff trio and Genzo Okabe quartet.
Charity Concert SOS Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 1 April, 2011, at 20:00
Venue: Pop Podium P60 amstelveen
Organiser: Keiko Kotari and Marten Tilstra
Contact: www.sosjapan.nl/index_en.html
Message from organiser:
The charity concert was made possible by the kind cooperation of a number of excellent musicians. Jazz piano player Bert van den Brink will open the concert at 20:30 hrs, followed at 21:15 hrs by latin singer Denise Rivera, with whom he will also perform some duets. At 21:45 hrs international rockband NiCad will perform. Japanese guitar player Satoshi Shiraishi is one of the members of this band. The evening will be concluded with a spectacular performance of Night Flight to Rio, which will take you on a trip through the history of pop music.
Japan, Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Crisis [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 1 April, 2011, 19:00-21:00
Venue: Leiden University, Stichthage building, The Hague
(entrance on first floor of main hall The Hague Central Train Station)
Organiser: Modern East Asia Research Centre (MEARC)
Leiden University College The Hague
Contact: www.mearc.eu, www.lucresearch.nl, E-mail (info@mearc.eu)
Message from organiser:
Information, News, Analysis and Panel Discussion sponsored by MEARC and LUC The Hague
The catastrophic and tragic events that have been developing in Japan over the last few days have sent shockwaves around the world. The scale of the disaster is difficult to comprehend, especially at distance, and particularly through the abstractions of the international media. It is impossible to imagine the powerful viscerality of living through such massive demonstrations of the destructive power of nature, and difficult to understand the anxiety and fear of nuclear disaster that has followed the earthquakes and tsunami. From the privileged safety and calm of The Netherlands, we should remember that these events are first and finally about real people struggling for their lives.While we wish the people of Japan every strength for the time ahead, it is important for us to understand the meaning and significance of the events so far as well as their possible repercussions for the future. With that in mind, MEARC and LUC The Hague are collaborating to bring together a panel of experts on: international security; Japanese history, politics, economics and society; the science of earthquakes and tsunami; and the physics of nuclear power. As well as providing a forum for information, news and analysis, we hope to be able to start a discussion about further activities that can be conducted to help those impacted by these terrible events. It will also be possible to leave your donation for the Red Cross' fundraising campaign to help the victims of the devastating disaster.
Pray for Japan in Wageningen [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 2 April, 2011, 09:00-15:00
Venue: Wageningen, de Markt, near the fountain
Organiser: Japanese students of Wageningen UR
Contact: E-mail (prayforjapan.wageningen@gmail.com), Tel: 06-55777058
Message from organiser:
Fundraising event organized by Japanese students and their friends in Wageningen. Event Details: Information on current situtation in Japan and introduction on Japanese culture such as "origami", etc. All received funds will be sent to the Dutch Red Cross.
Together for Japan Zumbathon [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 2 April, 2011, at 11:00 (Doors open at 10:15)
Venue: Zwembad Overbosch - Vlaskamp 3 - 2592 AA Den Haag
Organiser: Fitness Pa’ti
Contact: www.zumbapati.com, E-mail (info@zumbapati.com), Tel: 06-50997221
Admission: 20€
Message from organiser:
A Zumbathon® is in this case 2+ hours of Zumba Fitness®. Zumbathons are especially organised to raise funds for good causes, in this case Japan through The Red Cross. The event will start at 11:00 am and doors will open from 10:15am. It will be a party full of fun and contagious rhythms that will invite people to take part in and test their stamina, flavour and savviness... and if you think you don't have any of those well, just join us and enjoy the music any way you like! I bet you that by the end everyone will have new and cool moves to impress the rest!... People will learn the basic steps of salsa, merengue, cumbia and the like...
Benefietconcert voor Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 2 April, 2011, at 20:00
Venue: Oude Kerk Zoetermeer (Dorpsstraat 59)
Organiser: Japan Helpen kan!
Contact: www.japanhelpenkan.nl, E-mail (japanhelpenkan@gmail.nl)
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Benefit Concert for Japan. Classic music and Japanese songs. Artists: R. de Jong (orgel), N. Kiyama (piano), P. Barendregt (piano), K. Matsumoto (trombone), M. Natsuyama (sopraan), M.C. Goergen (fluit), M. Endo (piano). All received funds will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross via the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Valkenswaard for Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 3 April, 2011, at 16:00
Venue: Nicolaaskerk, Marktplein, Valkenswaard
Organiser: Gideonsbende Valkenswaard
Contact: E-mail (gideonsbende@valkenswaard-kerken.nl)
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Charity Concert for Japan. Artist: M. Goto (koto). Chorus Groups: Yayoi, De Volhardig. All received funds will be sent to the Reformed Church in Japan via the Japanese Christian Fellowship Church of the Netherlands.
Japan Helpen kan! Benefit concert [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 3 April, 2011, 20:30-21:30
Venue: Cultuurcentrum Griffioen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
(Uilenstede 106, 1183 AM, Amstelveen)
Organiser: Japan Helpen kan!
Contact: www.griffioen.vu.nl, www.japanhelpenkan.nl, E-mail (japanhelpenkan@gmail.nl)
Admission: 15€ / 10€ (studentenpas/stadspas/CJP/60+/kinderen)
Message from organiser:
~Music from Bach, Classic and Tango~ We ALL sing "FURUSATO" for JAPAN! Artists: Deshima Trio, Black Intention, Quartet from International Trombone Ensemble. Presenter: Daniel Schut. All of this ticket fee goes to the Japanese Red Cross through the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Reservation: 020-598-5033
Help us Help Japan [completed]
Date & Time: (1) Monday 4 April, Tuesday 5 April and Wednesday 6 April, 2011, 11:30-14:30
(2) Wednesday 6 April, 2011, 22:22-05:00
Venue: (1) Zernike plein 7, 9747 AS Groningen (2) De Drie Gezusters, Groningen, De Grote markt 36/39
Organiser: ICU and SAIDIA student foundation
Contact: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=197712476928027, E-mail: icu-groningen@gmail.com
Admission: 3€ (at the Atrium and at the door of the Drie Gezusters)
Message from organiser:
The event is organized by International Communication students of the Hanze Hogeschool in Groningen. On Monday to Wednesday their will be events such as, an origami workshop and selling tea. These events will promote one big event. **DRESS IN RED AND WHITE!** ALL PROFITS OF THIS EVENT WILL GO TO DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS – JAPAN.
Workshop Origami for “Help victims earthquake - Tsunami Japan” [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 8 and Saturday 9 April, 2011, 12:00-17:00
Venue: Voorstraat 487 3311CV Dordrecht
Organiser: Galerie Iroha
Contact: www.galerie-iroha.nl, E-mail (info@galerie-iroha.nl), Tel. 078-6119835
Admission: 5€
Message from organiser:
Let’s fold paper cranes! Great for kids! Costs of workshop: 5 Euro per person. This 5 Euro is entirely donated to the Japanese Red Cross. You can also write a message for victims in a book that is to be sent to the Japanese embassy in The Hague. During this Origami-workshop you can also give a donation; in this case, you’ll receive a paper crane as gift! You know how to make a paper crane? You are welcome to help us!
"Rotterdam Helpt Japan" Charity Concert [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 8 April, 2011, 12:30-14:00
Venue: Oude Luxor Theater, Kruiskade 10, 3012 HE Rotterdam
Organiser: Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Rotterdam-Japan Club
Contac: www.luxortheater.nl TEL:(010)484 33 33, or www.rotterdamjapanclub.nl
Admission: 20€
Message from organiser
Chamber music groups of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra will give a charity concert for the earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan. On top of classical repetoire, the program will also contain traditional Japanese music, which will be performed by violinist Sumire Hara and guest pianist Elizabeth Karelse. The proceeds will be used to help children in the affected area.
“Help Japan”actie in Eindhoven [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 9 April, 2011, 11:00-16:00
Venue: in front of the Bijenkorf (Septemberplein, Eindhoven) and
the Heuvelgalerie (Markt, Eindhoven)
Organiser: Naoko Yamamoto, Kanako Mori
Contac: E-mail (nakoforest@yahoo.co.jp)
Message from organiser
Street Fundraising in front of the Bijenkorf (Septemberplein, Eindhoven) and the Heuvelgalerie (Markt, Eindhoven). As a token of our gratitude, an origami crane will be presented to those who donate. A koto performance and workshop by Ms. M. Goto. All received funds will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross via the Dutch Red Cross.
Alkmaar voor Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 10 April, 2011, 13:00-17:00
Venue: Muiderwaard 224, 1824 XV Alkmaar
Organiser: Miwa Tamamoto, Kazumi Itoh
Contact: IZUMI SHIATSU, E-mail (alkmaarvoorjapan@gmail.com), Tel: 06-54306998, 022-6769019
Message from organiser:
Crane folding (origami) Teaceremony Calligraphy Aikido Shiatsu & Guasha treatment. Bazar. Music etc. Selling of Japanese food. All received funds will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross.
Play & Pray 4 Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sundday 10 April, 2011, at 15:00
Venue: Novalis College, Sterrenlaan 16, Eindhoven
Organiser: Play & Pray 4 Japan
Contact: E-mail (pray4japan.eindhoven@gmail.com)
Admission: 10€
Message from organiser:
Charity Concert for Japan. Artists: M. Goto (koto), saxophonist, chellist and chorus group Yayoi. Demonstrations: Kendo, Iaido and Shodo. All received funds will be sent to the Reformed Church in Japan via the Japanese Christian Fellowship Church of the Netherlands.
Nederland helpt Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Wednesday 13 April, 2011
at 17:00 - opening ArenA
at 19:00 - a concert with several celebrity appearances
at 20:30 - a charity football match Ajax-Shimizu S-Pulse
Venue: Amsterdam ArenA
Organiser: the Municipalities of Amsterdam and Amstelveen, Ajax, the Foundation Dutch Aid for Japan, the Amsterdam Arena and the Dutch Red Cross.
Contact: www.nederlandhelptjapan.nl, Tel: 070-4455678
Admission: 5€ (via www.nederlandhelptjapan.nl or www.ticketpoint.nl)
Message from organiser:
On Wednesday 13 April the national campaign Holland helps Japan takes place in the Amsterdam ArenA. In the evening football club Ajax will play a charity match against the Japanese premier league club Shimizu S-pulse that is flown in especially from Japan for this event. Various artists support the ‘Holland helps Japan, get up and help’ campaign with an appearance in the Arena. The definitive list of the celebrity guests will be announced in the coming days. The objective is to express our support for the people in Japan and to raise as much money as possible for the disaster relief activities in Japan. The Red Cross has opened giro account number 6868 for this purpose.
Fundraising Japanese Salon “Lecture : Japanese Architecture by Yushi Uehara” [completed]
Date & Time: Thursday 14 April, 2011, 19:00-21:00
Venue: Keizersgracht 606, 1017EP Amsterdam
Organiser: Uchitani Consultancy / Japanese Salon
Contact: www.uchitani.com/japanese-salon/upcoming-salon-1 E-mail (office@uchitani.com),
Tel: 06-50693887
Admission: 100€
Message from organiser:
Japan Helpen kan! Benefietconcert in Utrecht [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 15 April, 2011, 20:00-22:00
Venue: Sint Willibrorduskerk, Minrebroederstraat 21, Utrecht
Organiser: Japan Helpen kan!
E-mail (japanhelpenkan@gmail.com), Tel: 06-52663522
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Japanese artists and their friends will play different types of music (baroque, classic, jazz, etc.). All received funds will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross via the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Help Japan in Groningen [completed]
Date & Time: Saturday 23 April, 2011, 12:00-17:00
Venue: Grote Markt, Groningen
Organiser: Dutch Red Cross and Eriko Takano
Contact: Dutch Red Cross (Atoomweg 2b, 9743 AK Groningen)
E-mail (ltrieling@redcross.nl), Tel: 06-20361983
Prof. Eriko Takano, University of Groningen
(Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG, Groningen, The Netherlands)
Message from organiser:
An event in the Grote Markt of Groningen where we will sell Japanese snacks to raise money for the victims of the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami. There will be also some traditional music and cultural ornaments on display. All proceedings will go to the Dutch Red Cross. Many companies from the North Netherlands, including the Japanese companies, the University of Groningen, many restaurants and cafes, students and friends will join in the event. Please come and joins us!
Date & Time: Monday 2 May, 2011, 19:30~
Venue: J. M. Fentener van Vlissingenzaal, Mariaplaats 27 Utrecht
Organiser: Satoko Okitsu and Toru Oyama
Contact: E-mail (benefitconcertforjapaninutrecht@hotmail.com), Tel: 06-24845697
Message from organiser:
Charity Concert by Prof. Alan Weiss (piano), Prof. Heiko ter Schegget (block flute), Prof. Chris Duindam (violin).
Pray for Japan @ Waalre, Koto concert by Makiko Goto [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 15 May, 2011, 15:00-18:00
Venue: Zalencentrum 't Hazzo (Trolliuslaan 7, Waalre)
Organiser: Zalencentrum 't Hazzo
Contact: Makiko Goto: E-mail (makiko.goto@planet.nl)
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Charity Concert for Japan by M. Goto (koto). Please enjoy the beautiful koto music.
Benefit concert Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 15 May, 2011, 16:00~
Venue: Amstelkerk, Amstelveld 10, 1017 JD Amsterdam
Organiser: Stadsherstel and the Young Pianist Foundation
Contact: http://www.stadsherstel.nl, E-mail (zalen@stadsherstel.nl), Tel: 020-5200090
Admission: 19,50€ / 17,50€ (CJP, 65+, studenten, stadspas, Vrienden van Stadsherstel, donateurs van Youri Egorov en Vrienden van de YPF)
Message from organiser:
The Young Pianist Foundation and Stadsherstel organize benefit concert for Japan. On Sunday the 15th of May two 21 year old talents will perform a recital on the beautiful Steinway that belonged to Youri Egorov. Proceeds will go toward helping Japan cope with the horrible events it has faced the last couple of months. Please come all and pass the message on! After the concert there will be an opportunity to meet Ayaka and Wakana.
Benefiet Concert Muziek voor Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 15 May, 2011, 20:00-21:00
Venue: Dorpskerk Amstelveen (Dorpsstraat 36, Anstelveen)
Organiser: Wakamusha in Leiden
Contact: http://wakamusha-in-leiden.blogspot.com/,
E-mail (wakamusha.in.leiden@gmail.com), Tel: 06-13490299
Admission: 15€ (Free under the age of 15)
Message from organiser:
Benefit concert for Japan by Ms. Y. Goto (violinist) and Heemstede Philharmonic Orchestra. All of this ticket fee goes to the WFP, World Food Programme. (WFP website: http://www.wfp.or.jp/higashinihon/index.html)
Benefit Concert for Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 22 May, 2011, 14:00~
Venue: St. Mary's Anglican Episcopal Church Rotterdam
Organiser: Musicians for Japan / Les Musiciens pour le Japon
Contact: http://www.stmarys.nl
Admission: 20€ at the door
Message from organiser:
Classical Chamber Music performance by International Musicians from Dutch Orchestras.
Bazaar & Japan Dag [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 29 May, 2011, 10:30-14:00
Venue: European Go Cultural Center (EGCC), Schokland 14, Amstelveen
Organiser: Stichting Nichiran Silvernet
Contact: http://www.nichiran.org/index_en.html, Email (info@nichiran.org)
Admission: 2€ (Free under the age of 12)
Message from organiser:
We will sell handmade food products and second hand goods. The demonstration such as Ikebana, calligraphy and origami, etc are also planned. All the admission fees and a part of the profit of this bazzar will be sent to Dutch Red Cross.
Dunya for Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 29 May, 2011, 13:00-20:00
Venue: Het Park by Euromast in Rotterdam (Het Park 3016, Rotterdam)
Organiser: Te to Te Rotterdam
Contact: http:// www.tetote-rotterdam.nl, Email (tetoterotterdam@gmail.com), Tel: 06-14324179
Message from organiser:
To raise donations for Japan, we organize music performances, workshops for children at Dunya festival which is the world performing arts festival in the Netherlands. Program: 1. Charity stange - Performance by Musicians (Hoog & Laag, Okabe Family, Yuko Uesu, Daisy Cools, Bigband Enterprise Dordrecht) 2. Budo demonstration and workshop - Naginata, Kyudo, Aikido 3. Workshop - Origami, Make instruments by recycle items 4. Sale – Charity goods, Calligraphy, Origami
Sing for Japan, Concert by Japanese womens choirs, Yayoi & Hana [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 5 June, 2011, 14:30-16:00
Venue: Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Eindhoven,
Schootsestraat 47, 5616 RB Eindhoven
Organiser: Chorus Groups Yayoi and Hana
Contact: Asako Payton: E-mail (cs9922@gmail.com)
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Charity Concert for Japan by chorus groups Yayoi (Eindhoven) and Hana (Nijmegen). After the concert, the fundrasing bazzar will be held.
Benefit Concert for Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 19 June, 2011, 14:00~
Venue: St. John & St. Philip's Anglican Church, Ary van der Spuyweg 1, 2585 JA The Hague
Organiser: Stichting Musicians for Japan / Les Musiciens pour le Japon
Contact: http://www.stjohn-stphilip.org/, Tel : 070-3555359
Admission: Free (Suggested donation: From 20 Euro)
Message from organiser:
We are a group of professional musicians from orchestras in the Netherlands and our aim is to organize charity performances to raise money for the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Northern Japan. We realize how serious the situation in Japan still is, and the support they need in the coming decades to be able to slowly rebuild their surroundings. We will be independently active setting up further performances. The proceeds will be sent directly to the volunteer groups on the ground in the affected areas of Japan.
HIGH ACES: Dance festival with upcoming DJ’s [completed]
Date & Time: Friday 1 July, 2011, 22:00-05:00
Venue: HUIZE MAAS, Vismarkt, Groningen Centre
Organiser: Mike Cervello
Contact: Email (mikecervello@gmail.com), Tel : 06-11169723
Message from organiser:
Dance event with several DJ’s,organized by Mike Cervello(DJ) from Pop Academy Leeuwarden; Japanese Foodstand and Ice cream stand present during event; Income of this event: all to help Japanese victims; Dutch RedCross(GN) supporting this event
Haiku for Hope [completed]
Date & Time: Thursday 7 July, 2011, 14:00-14:40
Venue: Along the Hofvijver (at the corner of Lange Vijverberg and Korte Vijverberg)
Organiser: Cordaid
Contact: http://www.cordaidmenseninnood.nl/
Message from organiser:
After the terrible national disaster which struck Japan so devastating, our organisation took the small initiative of creating a website www.haikuforhope.nl. People from the Netherlands could write a haiku, and this haiku was translated directly through Google translate into Japanese. We will hang 200 flags (100 selected Haiku's) in the trees along the Hofvijver in The Hague. In addition, the director of Cordaid, René Grotenhuis, will hand over de 100 selected Haiku's to a representative of the Embassy. It is a symbolic gesture to the victims of the earthquake in Japan.
CAMPAI for SENDAI [completed]
Date & Time: Thursday 8 September, 2011, 18:30~
Venue: Restaurant Onder de Linden (Dorpsplein 12, 4574 RD ZUIDDORPE)
Organiser:JCI, Junior Kamer Zeeuws Vlaanderen
Contact: www.givebuzze.com/diner
Message from organiser:
JCI Zeeuws Vlaanderen and the best chefs of Zeeuws Vlaanderen are hosting
a charity dinner for SENDAI.
Participating Restaurants:
Oud Sluis ***
De Kromme Watergang *
Onder de Linden
Lekker La Vie
De Jonkvrouw
An auction will also be held! All proceeds will go to a child’s project in Sendai
(Tohoku). Register now as only a limited number of seats are available for this unique culinary event.
Charity Festival for Children in Japan [completed]
Date & Time: Sunday 11 September, 2011, 13:00-17:00
Venue: Regionale Scholengemeenschap Pantarijn (Hollandseweg 11, Wageningen)
Organiser: Werkgroep “Charity Festival for Children in Japan”
Contact: Email (yoko@heartware.nl), Tel : 0317-316756
Admission: Free
Message from organiser:
Fundraising event for children in the affected areas of Japan. Event Details: Introduction on Japanese culture such as "Shamisen, Shakuhashi and Taiko Performances", "Kimono Workshop " and "Kobudo Demonstration", etc. Other international events are also planned. All received funds will be sent to the Ashinaga.